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Situated in the upper north of the Arabian Peninsula, in Jordan potential investors are in a unique position to take advantage of the country's geographic proximity to Saudi Arabia to the south and Israel to the west, allowing the business and investment landscape to expand.

The Jordanian Citizenship by Investment Program allows foreigners to make an investment in the country and apply for alternative citizenship. Since Jordan is a fairly peaceful country in a turbulent region, gaining access to Jordanian citizenship is appealing to applicants from surrounding countries facing socio-political challenges.

This citizenship by investment program was never a popular route for foreign investors, but in the last few years it has resurfaced as many high-net-worth individuals from the Middle East are looking for security in another country and Jordan has been relatively stable in a tormented region. Many investors from Syria and Palestine have applied to this program in the last few years.

Jordanian government encourages wealthy foreign individuals who are willing to make a significant and highly qualified investment in the country that will stimulate the economy through foreign direct investment. Under this program, individuals and their immediate family members can acquire Jordanian citizenship within three months.

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There is a minimum investment amount required of USD 750,000

Processing time of 3 months

There is no physical presence required

Family friendly

What makes Jordan different ?

Visa-free access to 53 destinations

Family friendly

Citizenship applicable to the whole family including the main applicant’s spouse, children (unmarried, widowed, or divorced daughters and sons under 18), and dependent parents.


Dual citizenship

You can enjoy a Malta passport and remain a citizen of another country or countries.

Company creation

Access to a stable and peaceful country in the Middle East,that actively participates in the UN and is a World Trade Organization member.

Minimal Presence requirements

No minimum residence period in the country.

Low cost of living

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Investment options:

The Jordan Citizenship by Investment Program requires that a foreign individual invests into either a bank deposit, treasury bonds, securities, small and medium enterprises, or a local job-creating project. Applicants are required to fulfill one of the following investment options in the country:

Bank deposit and treasury bonds:

​• USD 1 million investment in treasury bonds for a period of 6 years, with interest determined by the central bank of jordan. Under this option, applicants must reside in the kingdom for a minimum period of one month prior to the granting of citizenship.

Company shares and/or units:

• USD 1 million purchase of shares in jordanian companies, provided that the shares are not disposed of for a period of at least 3 years.

Entreprise that leads to employment creation:

​• USD 750,000 investment in projects outside the border of Amman, provided that 10 real job opportunities are provided to Jordanians or usd 1 million if the investment is within the borders of Amman in which case the project ot investment must provide 20 job opportunities. Documentary evidence of the investment must be provided as part of the application process.

Steps to follow

Step 1 - Preliminary Check:

Our specialized team will review the documentation submitted to verify that the immigration requirements are met. In addition, we will verify the transparency of investment funds. As a result, we will have a background check report and signed contract.

Step 2 - Choose of Investment:

You must select the investment option that most convinces and suits you, so that later we can start the process. If you decide to obtain citizenship through real estate investment, we will help you choose your property based on your needs and desires.

Step 3 - Preparation of documents and sending to the corresponding agency:

We take care of everything: we obtain the criminal record certificates, we fill out and complete the government forms, we certify the documents before a notary, we do the translation and apostille everything (this service has a separate cost), and then we send it to the citizenship. We present your documents independently and with strict compliance with the requirements, as well as monitoring the progress of the application. As a result, we will confirm the receipt of the documents by the government.

Step 4 - Due Diligence check:

Once the citizenship agency receives all the documents, the applicant's background check begins. In the event that additional documents are required during verification, we will handle those requests.

Step 5 - Case Investigation:

We look forward to a positive resolution and receive the new documents together with you. If necessary, we can also help you with other operational, commercial and even domestic matters (including the arrangements of additional documents).

Step 6 - Receiving Passports:

When the investment and all fees are paid, you receive the certificate of citizenship and the Passport Then, these documents are sent to you, so that after the wait, you can start enjoying them.

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How is the education system?

The Jordan education system is great for your children. They would be in the best instructive organizations.

How much is the processing time?

Varies per application but usually takes 3 months.

Is dual citizenship accepted in Jordan?

Yes, Jordan accepts dual citizenship.

Who benefits the most in this program?

Approaching Jordan citizenship can be a life-saving need if you come from a nation confronted with the vulnerability of war and political confusion.

How strong is the Jordan visa?

Visa-free l access to 49 destinations including Hong Kong and Turkey.

Can I bring my family in this experience?

Yes, Under this program, individuals and their immediate family members can become citizens of Jordan.

Can citizenship be purchased with an investment in Real Estate?

Yes, it is possible to obtain citizenship by real estate investment.

In what cases can my application be rejected?

Most of the applications are authorized, however there are some reasons why you may have difficulty with this residency. Such us: ​• Having criminal records. ​• Lack of documentation.

The main applicant must go to Jordan?

Yes, but after you receive your passport there is no requirement to reside in jordan.

With what currency must the residency programs be paid?

This citizenship program should be paid in Dollars.

Real Estate


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