Today we have another citizenship by investment scheme to share with you all, this time on the other side of the globe in Jordan.
Situated in the northern Arabian Peninsula, Jordan is a country that is not typically at the forefront of people’s minds when it comes to citizenship by investment.
However, as we regularly like to do on our blog, we’re going to share the important details you need to know about the program on offer in Jordan and hopefully see it climb its way up your list of candidates for potential relocation.
What is residency by investment?
In short, you are able to fast track visa processes and times to citizenship in a number of countries across almost every continent in the world. How? By making an investment! This either comes in the form of a donation, real estate acquisition, or through business investment, following which you receive a visa which is typically renewable and grants you residency in the nation where you made your initial investment.
Why Jordan?
Before introducing you to all the information related to Jordan, if you are considering options for citizenship or residency by investment programs, contact us!. Our specialised team can help you with all your concerns. Click here.
An independent state since 1946, Jordan is still relatively young in comparison with some of the other countries we have covered on our blog, yet this does not mean that the country has any less to offer!
There is something for everyone, if you are an adventurer looking to explore, maybe the city of Petra, one of the wonders of the world, could be an incentive to make the move. Or, if you are looking to venture further afield, Saudi Arabia and Israel are close by, two nations with vastly diverse sights and cuisines to take in.
The capital city is Amman, situated in the hills and also the home to the monarchy. The official language in Jordan is Arabic, though considering the location and opportunity for business and investment within the nation, it is no surprise that English is spoken in places too, meaning the language barrier should not pose too much of a problem!
How does the process work?
In order to get your passport, you’ll need to complete one of the following three investment ventures:
1. Bank deposit and treasury bonds: This option is expensive, requiring a US$1 million deposit in the Central bank of Jordan for three years and a further US$1 million in treasury bonds held for six years
2. Company shares: US$1.5 million in company shares for a three-year minimum period
3. Small/medium business enterprise: US$1 million (US$750,000 outside capital of Amman) in an investment project which creates 20 jobs minimum
Once you have decided on one of these, the standard procedures follow. Starting with an application form, you will have to send relevant fees and documentation. At this stage your eligibility will be determined, and you’ll have to prove your financial solvency.
Next, due diligence checks take place, and you choose your investment pathway from the options above. Once cleared, within three months the passport will be in your hands!
Are there any other benefits?
An integral element of any investment of this kind is the list of knock-on benefits that come about as a result of it. In the case of Jordan, said list may seen rather short, but the depth of the benefits are extremely competitive and attractive. You can see some of them below:
- Visa-free travel to 52 countries
- Citizenship is extended to partners, children and dependent parents
- The nation is stable and you have peace of mind that your investment is secure
So, if you are interested in finding out more about Jordan and its opportunities to develop business, contact us today! Below this article you will find a link to set up a free fifteen minute consultation with us to discuss your options further.
Also, if you want to access our other great content, subscribe to our YouTube channel! At Creimerman, our team of professional global citizens would be happy to help you with your personal or professional cross-border ventures and help make them a success.