North Macedonia
Located in southeastern Europe, the Republic of North Macedonia is surrounded by colorful rivers and beautiful mountainous areas. The growing economy and outstanding agricultural and trade opportunities attract both investors and entrepreneurs. The people of North Macedonia enjoy a rich cultural lifestyle, which is influenced by the local arts and tradition, as well as a civil law system.
North Macedonia's Citizenship by Investment Program allows foreigners to make an investment in the country and apply for alternative citizenship. The country enjoys a dynamic and emerging economic climate and a booming agriculture and manufacturing industry, excellent for business investment and growth.
In addition to this the Republic of Macedonia has a highly favorable tax regime, with a flat 10% corporate tax. Also Under this program, individuals and their immediate family members can acquire North Macedonia citizenship within three months.
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There is a minimum investment amount required of EUR 200.000
Processing time of 2 - 5 months
Favorable tax environment
No minimum residence period or language requirement to obtain citizenship
What makes North Macedonia different ?
Visa-free access to 125 destinations
The right of free movement to Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Türkiye, and Europe’s Schengen Area, among others.
Family friendly
Dependent children under 18 can apply for citizenship by descent once both or one of their parents has received citizenship. Then the citizenship can be passed down to future generations.
Tax Friendly
Citizenship of a European upper-middle income country with a friendly and hospitable culture and a favorable tax environment.
No need to reside to reside in the country
No minimum residence period or language requirement to obtain citizenship.
Easy Company Creation
Access to a highly qualified workforce and fast company registration systems.
Short processing time
Investment options:
Investment options
The North Macedonian Citizenship by Investment Program requires that a foreign individual invests EUR 200,000 or EUR 400,000 under one of the following two investment options: • EUR 200,000 contribution to a private,government approved development found for a period of at least 2 years. • A EUR 40000 direct investment in new business facilities (except for those in hospitality meant for restaurants or shopping) that create at least 10 new job positions. The following documents are required: • Police certificates of clearance. • Detailed curriculum vitae (CV). • Proof of financial standing. Additional fees • EUR 20.000 for the main applicant. • EUR 20.000 for the spouse. • EUR 10.000 For each child under 18 years of age.
Steps to follow
Step 1 - Preliminary Check:
Our specialized team will review the documentation submitted to verify that the immigration requirements are met. In addition, we will verify the transparency of investment funds. As a result, we will have a background check report and signed contract.
Step 2 - Choose of Investment:
You must select the investment option that most convinces and suits you, so that later we can start the process. If you decide to obtain citizenship through real estate investment, we will help you choose your property based on your needs and desires.
Step 3 - Preparation of documents and sending to the corresponding agency:
We take care of everything: we obtain the criminal record certificates, we fill out and complete the government forms, we certify the documents before a notary, we do the translation and apostille everything (this service has a separate cost), and then we send it to the citizenship. We present your documents independently and with strict compliance with the requirements, as well as monitoring the progress of the application. As a result, we will confirm the receipt of the documents by the government.
Step 4 - Due Diligence check:
Once the citizenship agency receives all the documents, the applicant's background check begins. In the event that additional documents are required during verification, we will handle those requests.
Step 5 - Case Investigation:
We look forward to a positive resolution and receive the new documents together with you. If necessary, we can also help you with other operational, commercial and even domestic matters (including the arrangements of additional documents).
Step 6 - Receiving Passports:
When the investment and all fees are paid, you receive the certificate of citizenship and the Passport Then, these documents are sent to you, so that after the wait, you can start enjoying them.
Can I pass on my North Macedonian citizenship to my children?
Yes, if you are the main applicant, the program grants you lifetime citizenship that can be passed onto your dependent children and future generations.
How much is the processing time?
Varies per application but usually takes 3 to 4 months.
Is dual citizenship accepted in North Macedonia?
Yes, North Macedonia accepts dual citizenship.
What are the required documents?
• An application form passports. • Passports’ photos. • Birth certificates. • Marriage certificates. • Police certificates. • A due diligence report by a reputable third-party international firm. • A sworn oath to pledge allegiance to the country. • The main applicant’s CV. • Signed prospectus. • Share redemption prospectus with the government-approved fund.
How strong is the North Macedonia visa?
Visa-free l access to 125 destinations.
Can I bring my family in this experience?
Yes, Under this program, individuals and their immediate family members can become citizens of North Macedonia.
What are the tax benefits?
There is Zero income tax for non-resident and Lowest corporate and income taxes in the European Union (10%).
In what cases can my application be rejected?
Most of the applications are authorized, however there are some reasons why you may have difficulty with this residency. Such us: • Having criminal records. • Lack of documentation. • Being younger than 18 years of age. • Not Making the qualifying investment. • Have entered or stayed illegally in North Macedonia.
The main applicant must go to North Macedonia?
Yes, but after you receive your passport there is no requirement to reside in North Macedonia.
With what currency must the residency programs be paid?
This citizenship program should be paid in Euros.