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United Kingdom: A rapid route to residency in one of Europe’s most sought after nations

investment, residency, passport, uk, europe

To start this week, we have a rather unique residency by investment programme to share with you. The United Kingdom, home to London, not only one of the most world-renowned cities, but also the financial capital of the world, has a programme through which prospective investors with the right level of disposable income (and business experience) can obtain residency for themselves in the nation where many people from across the globe desire to relocate.

Why the United Kingdom?

Initially, there is the quality of life, comparably very high when looked at alongside other nations offering such programmes. However, this is not the only thing you’ll be looking to be reassured by when making an overseas move, and luckily for you, the educational institutions, reliable and strong international travel links (both maritime and aviation), tax incentives for those with a high net-worth and also the business environment to allow your ventures to prosper all mean you will be able to get a head start along the pathway you desire for the future of yourself and your family.

How does the process work and am I eligible?

Here are the criteria:

1. Desire to set up or run an existing business within the UK (including approval of business plan)

2. You currently reside outside of the UK

3. You comply with general criteria (over 18, adequate personal savings, English language proficiency)

4. You must have relative business experience

5. £50,000 to invest (unless taking over an existing business)

Should the Home Office approve your plan, you will be granted a 3-year residency in the United Kingdom not only for you but also your family, an extra incentive to make the move!

Approval for the programme can be anywhere between 1 and 8 weeks depending on the nation you currently reside in and thus where you are making your application from. Once your documentation and application are submitted, all you will need to do is wait the timeframe outlined above and following this you are good to go. Also, once the initial 3-year period expires, you are in fact able to extend for a further 3, meaning you will not have to leave as soon as your first visa for residency is up.

So, if you are interested in finding out more about the United Kingdom residency by investment program and its opportunities to develop business, contact us today! Below this article, you will find a link to set up a free fifteen-minute consultation with us to discuss your options further.

Also, if you want to access our other great content, subscribe to our YouTube channel! At Creimerman, our team of professional global citizens would be happy to help you with your personal or professional cross-border ventures and help make them a success.


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